Our shared vision is for everyone to ‘motivate one another’ and become agents of change ‘through acts of love and good works’. ‘And let us not neglect meeting together’ (Hebrews 10 24-25) as our community is central to enabling pupils to thrive and achieve their God given potential. At NCEA Warkworth C of E Primary we # Strive together as one (Philippians 1:27).
At NCEA Warkworth C of E Primary school, collective worship is pivotal to everyone in school and it is used to live out our vision and ‘motivate one another… into acts of love and good works (Hebrews 10 24:25).
We believe it is vital that we don’t ‘neglect meeting together’ (Hebrews 10 24:25) as our community is central to enabling everyone to achieve their God given potential. Therefore, experiences reflected upon during collective worship are integral to everyone’s spiritual growth. The photo on the left is an example of a collective worship which took place at Easter 2021 where each child brought in a flower with which to decorate our cross.
Led by members of staff, as well as visitors to the school from within the Parish and also the children themselves, Worship takes place between 10-10.15 am every morning so that everyone has the opportunity without compulsion, to grow spiritually through experiences of prayer, stillness, worship and reflection.
Our collective worship provides everyone the opportunity to:
- Worship God;
- Live out our Christian vision, that is deeply rooted in the Bible;
- Encounter the teachings of Jesus and the Bible;
- Appreciate the relevance and impact of faith in today’s world;
- Experience a variety of styles of worship;
- Develop an understanding of the Christian belief in the Trinitarian nature of God;
- Grow in understanding of and participation in prayer;
- Develop a reflective and spiritual approach to life and reflect on the Christian values;
- Feel safe and affirmed.
- Celebrate Christian festivals;
- Celebrate Local and national Saints;
- Build character education;
- Understand Christian values;
The daily act of collective worship at NCEA Warkworth C of E Primary is inclusive, invitational and inspiring and shaped by our Christian vision. Collective worship in school is led by our deeply Christian vision and values. The Collective Worship Crew plan resources, lead worship and reflect on what works well and what they believe needs to be improved!
We use a range of resources that pupils say they love, including:
- Big Start Assemblies;
- Roots and Fruits;
- Church of England pupil worship resources;
- Prayer Spaces and
- Spiritual News.
As part of our weekly worship we also have wellbeing worship which focuses on our mental health and wellbeing and a ‘# strive together as one’ worship which focuses on the importance of our vision and social action whether locally or globally!

Sharing our Collective Worships
Don’t forget as part of Class Dojo (shared with all parents) we have a special vision, RE and worship page where we share photos, reflect on our big questions and provide examples of our spiritual journey.
Did you know each classroom also has a social action book where they record all their good work, don’t forget to have a look at everything NCEA Warkworth Primary have been up to!
Examples of Collective Worship
Use the drop down menu below to explore some examples of our Collective Worships!
Year 5/6 have been using the Moments of Faith for Everyday cards from the Diocese of Newcastle. We reflected on Pentecost and the Holy Spirit through the picture by Edgardo De Guzman. We created our own masterpieces and talked about breathing in God’s love and breathing out our worries.
(Click on any image below to view in a slideshow)
Each week we use our Christian values and vision to explore news from around the world using our spiritual approach! This week we looked at our Christian vision # Strive together as one (Philippians 1:27) and then reflected upon the Paralympics and our school rules of love yourself, love each other and love the world . We discussed why our heart (Christian value) was made up of all different colours and why the Paralympics was so important for inclusion and equality.
(Click on any image below to view in a slideshow)
David and Goliath
We listened to the story of David and Goliath and reflected on our own aspirations for the future. David believed that he could achieve his goal with God’s help; I wonder what we could achieve with God’s help? We discussed our vision and the importance of striving together with each other, the world and with God. # Strive together as one (Philippians 1:27).
(Click on the image below to view in a slideshow)
Jonah and the Whale
In wellbeing worship we continued to reflect on transition and change. We talked about the word resilient and what this means. We thought about the challenging times recently with covid where we have wanted to give up. We then acted out and listened to the story of Johah and the Whale and discussed examples of when God hadn’t given up Jonah. As Change Champions we set ourselves a challenge to achieve one small challenge, can you help your child with this challenge and we’d love to hear how they got on!
(Click on any image below to view in a slideshow)
Pop over to Dojo to see the video our pupils made to highlight the challenges of loneliness and hints and tips about how to start a conversation if you’re worried about someone! We have all pledged to try to connect with someone different over the next few weeks. # Strive together as one (Philippians 1:27).
Today in worship we used the Prayer Space resources to reflect on the big question ‘how can we show thanks to our friends?’ We made links with the Bible and talked about Jesus and his friends. Pupils then talked about the importance of the school vison and in particular our school rule ‘love each other’.
Every year we dress the cross in a special worship with the community. This year part of our school vision ‘let us not neglect meeting together’ (Hebrews 10 24:25) could not be more apt. In small, socially distanced groups we came together to worship and share the joy of the Easter story. Pupils reflected on things they were hopeful for and looked forward to brighter times. We also reflected and prayed for those we had lost including the Royal Family. How can we move forward and live out our vision ? ‘Acts of love and good works’ Hebrews 10 24:25).
(Click on any image below to view in a slideshow)
As the first part of Pilgrim Pathways we all thought about the big question ‘ How can we be the light in the darkness?’ We then created our own light window; with hearts to reflect our Christian vision and the different character virtues we think are important. Can you make light in the darkness at home? Can you create a lantern. All lanterns will be shared on Class Dojo with your messages of hope.
(Click on any image below to view in a slideshow)
We love leading worship outside either next to our cross, in our worship area or around the fire! Today Year 5/6 reflected on the journey to Bethlehem and we imagined what it would feel like to make such a long journey. Using the fire for warmth, light and protection we reflected on 2020 not being the year we’d expected and if we were on a new journey, what would we leave behind? We then cast off our worries with the fire as a focus during prayer.
(Click on the image below to view in a slideshow)
We love it when Reverend O’Sullivan pops in to lead Godly Play. Here is a selection of stories she’s explored with us!
(Click on any image below to view in a slideshow)