Dear Parents and Carers, As I am sure many of you have felt this week, it is with some significant surprise that I realised we are in the sixth month of the year!
Our Autumn Newsletter is packed with all your ‘need to knows’ about Warkworth!
We’re back for a new school year and we can’t wait for what’s ahead this year.
Find out details about the Summer term in our latest newsletter.
As Summer term starts, we welcome our new Headteacher, Mr Booth!
Read the latest newsletter below and see all the fantastic things planned at Warkworth this term!
Following our # Strive Together as One worship, Amelia, Arthur, Zara and Fleur from KS2 decided to set NCEA Warkworth Primary up as a weekly drop off point for Amble Food Bank. They went around to each classroom and presented their idea to collect one item of food each week from each family and then organised for the whole school to make posters to advertise the collection to the community. Year 3/4 will be distributing these next week.
All items have been counted and last week, 110 items were collected but the new challenge for this week is 150 – watch this space!
Once again, we have been blown away by the generosity of our local community at NCEA Warkworth Primary.
After announcing that we were to become a collection point for donations of essential materials to support the humanitarian effort in Ukraine, we were quickly inundated with bags of clothing, toiletries and medicines which filled the school hall!
We’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who contributed and to those parents and friends who also helped to transport the goods to our drop-off point. A special thank you also goes out to our pupils across the whole school who made a beautiful prayer wall for staff and visitors to enjoy. # Strive Together as One
[Click on any of the images below to view as a large scale slideshow]
Our pupils in Years 5 and 6 have also been raising awareness and support for Ukraine through art. Reflecting on the work of MyDogSighs and Charlie Mackesy, the children created their own artwork inspired by current events in Ukraine. MyDogSighs even commented on some of the artwork shared on our school Facebook page and retweeted the post from our school Twitter feed, which is very exciting!
Pupils at NCEA Warkworth Primary School have finally been let loose on their exciting new Forest School area!
During lockdown, the school’s original forest school site located away from the school premises was sadly destroyed by vandals. The community and innumerable local businesses stepped in to help crowd fund and donate supplies to rebuild the Forest School within the school grounds and we’re pleased to announce that it’s finally finished! From the looks of things, our Reception class had a fantastic time getting messy earlier this week! #Strivetogetherasone
Click on any of the images below to view photos in a slideshow
Pupils from NCEA Warkworth Primary School have enjoyed another week full of exciting STEM sessions held at the Trust’s Robert Stephenson Campus in Ashington.
The Year 3 and Year 4 pupils had a fantastic time designing and making a maze game in Design and Technology using saws and other tools to perfect their designs and then making their own burgers and flipping them too in Food Technology!
A huge thank you to all of the staff involved in making these sessions possible.
Click on any photo below to view as a full screen slideshow