Our Vision, Values and Ethos
The school first existed to serve our local community of the village of Warkworth. We continue to serve this community whilst recognising that the school now also serves a wider, more varied geographical area across central Northumberland. We continue to inspire and transform the minds and hearts of everyone we serve today and, thus, the wider world. Everyone associated with our school will experience life in all its fullness, as promised by Jesus. We do so with Love, Peace and Courage.
At NCEA Warkworth CofE Primary School, we promote educational excellence, for everyone. Our purpose in education is to enable the children, families, staff, Governors and the wider community we serve to flourish. The Christian values of Love, Peace and Courage are at the core of teaching and culture within the school. We believe this makes us distinctive in the learning experience on offer.
This is firmly rooted in our guiding quote from St Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians:
Not tossed with the waves, but speaking the truth in love, we will grow
Ephesians 4:14-15
Our vision, values and mission are guided by the works of St Paul who helped to show early Christians how to navigate their way through a challenging, often hostile world. He taught a group of vulnerable individuals that they must show love to all, even those who do not show it to them.
As such, Love is our central value that guides everything we do. It is at the core of every interaction and is the value we most revisit. Our school rules are centred on love. This love is unconditional and is for all, for all faiths and none, no matter their background or unique characteristics. It is love that we want all with whom we serve to show not just within their Warkworth careers but for the rest of their lives.
St Paul taught early Christians that they must show Peace to all, symbolised by the dove of the Holy Spirit on our school badge, whilst also finding peace within ourselves.
To do this, even in the most difficult of circumstances, requires Courage. We remember that St Paul wrote from prison and was martyred for what he believed, embodying the courage that Jesus Christ showed us through the Gospels. We remember this when we meet with difficult times, as we all do, and ask for the courage to show love and peace to all no matter how challenging our circumstances may be.
We aim for all we do to be acts of love and good works to all people and to, as a school community together, strive together as one for a better future, shaped by those we serve now and forever.